Sunday, September 28, 2008

Europe Misses the Mark - Will It Return as the Sign of the Cross?

Independent commentator Charles Nevin states: "What Europe needs is an inspiring figurehead" and notes how Boris Johnson (journalist, columnist and Member of Parliament for Henley on Thames) in The Dream of Rome contrasts Rome's successful methods of holding their empire together with current EU attempts to build cohesion. Johnson concludes that Europe is missing the mark: they lack awesome ideas and transcendent symbols to rally round, something to claim and embrace as uniquely European. Or, Charles Nevin suggests, someone. "And, when you're looking for an inspiring figurehead, it's easy to see the advantages of having an emperor who is also a god possessed of the power to end your life with the downward flick of a thumb and a high-pitched giggle." Both men are in for a shock, as well as the rest of the world. Why? Because the Bible announces that the present European Union will morph into the final revival of the Roman Empire! Not only will the increasingly fascist EU turn into the beast that was and is imminent Rome, but such a revived Roman Empire will be ruled by a wannabe divine emperor! What could bring all this together? Especially when the prophet Daniel acknowledges that the Europeans are clearly of different and often divisive mettle, lacking the right chemistry to maintain a long-lasting relationship or union: Daniel 2:41-43 41 Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. 42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. 43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay. Daniel was also given amazing insight, extraterrrestial knowledge, divine inspiration, to reveal that the European Union will ultimately consist of the top ten nations of Europe, a core group, a nucleus the other member states will circle like a crown of stars around the sun. Would "miracles" do the trick? Aren't we warned to watch for a pagan sorcerer-pope to start performing many supernatural deeds, counterfeit miracles, to mislead the masses and get them eating out of his hand to support the Vatican's elect to "defend" Europe and "Western Christian Civilization" and murder any who oppose them? Won't this new Antiochus Epiphanes ("god-in-the-flesh") command his shock troops to have zero tolerance for any who expose him as a man and demand "off with their heads"? Will the Bavarian pope soon sweep Europe off their feet? Will Europe soon rally around the cross to defeat the crescent? Will the EU cross soon drive a stake into the heart of the Middle East, responding to their jihad with a new crusade? Will Islam provide the basis for uniting Europe, circling their wagons, against the threat of Muslim nuclear terrorism? Didn't Constantine conquer in the sign of the cross? Will Europe wield the sign of the cross to drive away the evil of Islam? Is a world dictator about to appear? Would such a victorious individual, thrust into office by force of circumstances and papal promotion, appear as Europe's savior? However, once secure in office, will the mask come off and the BEAST appear? David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out Beyond Babylon.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Earth Science ... Get Your Child More Involved In the World Around Them

Science is a fascinating subject for any age because of how applicable the concepts are to our everyday life. There are several different categories associated with science including, earth science, life science, and physical science. We will be speaking specifically about earth science for now. Earth science deals with the many different processes that take place on our planet. Earth science is inescapable and ever-present (which is part of its appeal in many cases). Below are some examples of specialties that deal with earth science. You will find brief definitions as well as some of the sub-disciplines that are part of that area of study. Geology � Geology describes the land or rocky parts of the Earth's crust and its development over time. Major sub-disciplines include: mineralogy and petrology, geochemistry, geomorphology, paleontology, stratigraphy, engineering geology and sedimentology. Geodesy and Geophysics � these disciplines investigate the figure of the Earth. More specifically this means the study of the earth�s reaction to forces and its potential fields that involve both magnetism and gravity. Geophysicists explore the science deep inside the Earth's core and mantle. Soil science � Soil is considered the outermost layer of the Earth's crust. A soil scientist investigates the formation processes of the soil. Major sub-disciplines include: edaphology and pedology. Oceanography and Hydrology � Geology describes the land and oceanography describes the ocean. This includes all marine and freshwater parts of the Earth. Major sub-disciplines include: hydrogeology and physical, chemical, and biological oceanography. Glaciology � If you know what a glacier is you can probably guess what a Glaciologist would study (here�s a hint: the icy parts of the Earth). Atmospheric sciences � Earth is more than just land and sea, it is the parts that we don�t see as well. Atmospheric sciences cover investigation of the gaseous parts (a.k.a. the atmosphere) of the Earth. Major sub-disciplines are Meteorology, Climatology and Agronomy. So you see that there is no where you can go on earth to escape science. It is in the ground that we walk on, in the water we swim in, and in the air that we breathe. Who wouldn�t want to know more about earth sciences?! Earth sciences are not only interesting but they can be beautiful too. You can get your child more involved in earth sciences by showing him the beauty of nature. Whether your child�s interests lie with finding shinny rocks or mountain biking, there are ways to apply science to the things that they love to do outdoors. Just Science Projects is a great source for ideas about science activities and experiments for kids. Whether you're looking to teach a child to learn to analyze from science experiments, science projects, or science fair ideas make it great fun. Visit or call us at 206-498-6502.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Green Energy in Medicine Bow, Wyoming

The state of Wyoming is well known for it's energy industry. Wyoming is rich in coal, gas, and oil deposits. The almost constant wind has also allowed Wyoming to excel in "green" energy sources as well. One of the local residents was involved in the building of two gigantic wind turbines, which were located on the prairie just south of the town. That resident has since sold out, and the two large turbines have since been replaced by nine smaller, modern turbines and one slightly larger one referred to as "the Clipper". Wyoming has become popular for the testing of wind power technology due to the extreme weather swings here, and the near constant winds. There are two wind "farms" near here, near the small towns of Arlington and McFadden. The original project has grown from 69 600 kW turbines, to a total of 183. The total generating capacity of the project is currently 134.7 mega Watts. There is another wind farm due to begin construction between Hanna and Medicine Bow within the next year. The coal mines in Wyoming produce the cleanest burning, most sulfur free coal in the nation. Two "green" industries have grown out of that. There is a strong development of coal-bed methane. Most, if not all coal mines have methane recovery systems that allow this common gas to be turned into natural gas. Another of the "greener" energy producers are "gasification" plants. Many valuable products can be made from the gasification process, from sulphurs and it's relatives, to different kinds of fuels for running various types of machinery, including natural gas and diesel fuels. One such plant is scheduled to be built just south of Medicine Bow starting within the next year. Wyoming also sports a high rate of sunny days, making solar power a popular option for the many residents who are "off the grid", as well as a growing number of businesses and residences using solar power as supplemental energy. In fact, the combination of wind and solar provides a bright outlook for the future of power production here, since one of the two is almost always present. Medicine Bow is centered in an area where development on all of these green and greener energy technologies are being developed or tested. For someone who wishes to live where clean air already exists, and where energy options are plentiful, it provides a near-ideal location. Kevin R Wheeler, VP/Treas Firelight Business Enterprises Inc PO Box 225 Medicine Bow WY 82329 (307) 379-2502